Jogged for 1:55, Walked for 3

*hugs everyone back, even if she is a little sweaty since she just finished her jog* :)

Thank you guys for your sweet comments. I am so appreciative of your kind words! You know, when I started this blog, I was telling my mom about it. I told her that I wanted it to be a place to inspire others, but mostly to inspire me. Yes, me. *I* needed inspiration. When I sat down and read my own blog, I didn't want to wallow in the feelings that I try to hide in my head all day, I wanted to pump myself up and get excited about getting in shape, so that one day I can look back and truly be proud of what I have accomplished. I have kind of been a mess this summer, and this blog has been a bright spot. It is a goal that I can see, and it excites me. After I told Mom about how I sit down and try to write "positive," she said in agreement, "Sometimes you have to say things that you might not exactly feel to teach yourself to feel that way." That really struck me, because even though it is true that this is how I want to use this blog -- to rewrite my thinking -- it also hit me because this is how I have treated myself in the past, but negatively. I made myself feel things about myself that were not true. I need to teach myself that these thoughts AREN'T true. Odd, isn't it?

Anyway, these were the things I was thinking while I was back on the treadmill again (I couldn't help but also hear in my head Willie Nelson singing "On the Road Again," teehee!). I jogged for 1:55 and walked for 3 minutes. I burned 245 calories, went 1.900 miles, and it took me 42 minutes.

After I jogged, I sat down by my husband while he was at the computer. We talked about the infamous 6 pounds. Neither of us really believe it, but we said that even if it IS true, slacking up on the jogging won't make them go away. Plus, today my husband and I spent the day working on our farm (we raise commercial cattle), and he made a comment about something he noticed about me on the farm today. We had to walk around one of our fencelines because a calf had gotten out, and we had to find the hole in the fence. After walking around and fixing the fence, we walked straight up a steep hill (and it was not a tiny hill, let me assure you!) in order to get back to our truck in the fastest way possible. A month ago, I would not have been able to walk up that hill without seriously dragging, maybe even taking a break, and definitely wheezing. Today, I kept pace with him, and it wasn't until the very height of the hill that I started breathing heavy. He pointed that out to me tonight and told me how proud he was of me.

And you know what? I'm pretty proud of that, too. :)

Note to self: Don't let a teeny number stop you from your goals. The quest for the mile is in sight! :)


  1. True dat, homes. And that Mah Jong knows what she's talking about. You act how you feel, and you feel how you act. Usually, though, the acting has to take the initiative in order to get the feeling started. Then it's like gravity happens. ... but up? lol

    Proud of you, girlie. Keep it up! :)

  2. "Mah jong"? I love that. :)

    I'm happy for the hill victory. Life is good today!

  3. You keeping on going is inspiration to all of us!