Of Embarrassment, and either Weakness / Failure / Smarts, you pick

Okay, so today was a crazy day. First of all, let me explain that I do not know if I must report that tonight I was weak or that I failed or that I was smart, but ... I couldn't finish my mile tonight. I had to do 6 sessions of jogging in order to stay on my 2:30 regimen, and it felt like I just couldn't get my breath at ALL, and after the third session I just doubled over with a stitch in my side and my stomach just hurting so badly! My husband says that I didn't give supper enough time to settle, but I didn't eat much because I knew that I still had a jog to do (I mostly just ate a small salad), and I waited an hour, so I thought I was good. He was probably right; he's a smart man. I sat down, just completely deflated and holding my stomach, and after about 10 minutes he asked me if I could walk for 10 minutes at 3 mph, which would be an average between my walking and running speed, and if I walked for 10 minutes, that would finish my other half of a mile. So I did that, and that made me feel a little better, if not internally, then at least mentally. So was it smart to not finish my mile, or did I just give up on myself?

I guess, some days you win and some days you lose, but when you lose, you gotta pick yourself back up again and begin another day.

For my stats, I went 1.500 miles, burned 173 calories, and it took me 32:01. Ergh.

Speaking of "ergh," I feel compelled to share with you something that happened to me today that was mortifyingly embarrassing, because it *is* funny ... or at least I think so. I had to attend a mandatory special education inservice this morning; every special ed. teacher was present (so, roughly 60 people?), and the inservice was 3 hours long. We were all crazy with boredom. At the end of the inservice, our head boss decided to close the inservice with a passage from a book that she thought was especially encouraging. She asked for a volunteer to read the passage aloud. I, being the overachiever I am and ready to finally do something that was at least a little interesting, volunteered to read it.

Now, I consider myself to do a fairly good job reading aloud. I try to put emotion into it and make it sound like I'm just coming up with it instead of reading it. So I was doing my standard thing, everyone was listening well, and then I had to read the sentence, "Success is a journey."

I accidentally mispronounced it ... like it fell out of my mouth wrong ... and I said, "Sex is a journey."

And then I paused and said, "Whoooah. SUCCESS is a journey." Right into the microphone. And everyone burst out laughing for what felt like a time period equal to the entire Revolutionary War.

I got through the rest of the passage with as much dignity as I could, and sat down. Everyone made all kinds of comments. I will forever be known as the "Sex is a journey" girl among my peers. I think I could have shriveled up and died right there. Hahaha!

Oh, well. That's all I got for now. Here's to tomorrow being a better day! :)


  1. HAHAHA!!! That's awesome! At least you gave the other teachers something to remember at an otherwise horribly boring inservice!

    As for the "failure," don't worry about it. It's pretty awesome that you still got up and power walked again! A lot of people on FitTV and stuff like that say that it doesn't really matter what you do AS LONG AS YOU'RE MOVING! :)

    funny verification word for the day: inging. How, pray tell, does one "ing?" Hahaha!

  2. Sex could be a journey. :) Honestly, if you did that at my boring meeting, I would be happy that SOMETHING happened to break up the day. :)

    I think that tomorrow (today? Your next run) might be a day to "take it easy"-- moving is important 9so don't stop, but you know this), but your body will hit plateaus, and acknowledging them is important. My crazy fitness roommate last year would only increase running distance every other day, and when she plateau'ed (sp?) she would only run every other day. We're all rooting for you and your mile!

  3. Awe, I'm sorry you were embarrassed - that was a cute story! Everyone flubs a line now and then...
    Don't worry about your workout last night. Sometimes the ole' body just needs a rest...

  4. LOL!! Ohmigosh! That is great!

    And don't worry too much about it, I'm sure everyone will just think fondly of you for it :)

    Oo, the workout! I really think that was the smart thing to do. I have pushed myself way too hard a couple times and ended up, er.. losing my lunch. That can't be healthy.

    So just try again tonight :)

  5. Oh THAT is a TRIP!!! Embarassed? Eh. I think it's hilarious and I'm sure everyone else did too...I would have been laughing OUT LOUD at that during your meeting and that would have definitely broke up the boredom...followed by a "YOU ROCK, MAMA SUNSHINE!!!" lol

    About having to stop. LISTEN to your body. You absolutely did the "smart" thing, and the fact that you finished it up after a short rest was exactly what you needed mentally. I think today's workout was spot on. Something to be proud of. :)