Jogged for 2:30, Walked for 5

Yay! I'm back, baby! I upped my walking time by a minute, and I also did my jogging here in the mid-afternoon-early-evening hours to avoid potential intestinal supper conflict. Oddly enough, I hardly even broke much of a sweat. 'Course, I had every fan and air conditioning unit in the house cranked up to the point that before I jogged, I thought it was kinda cold (yes, it was out of fear of the jogging session) ... but once I got jogging, it was juuuuuust right. (Just call me Goldilocks the Jogger!) My breathing was okay until maybe about the last 30 seconds of each round, but that's to be expected. If it is this easy tomorrow, I'm upping my running time by five seconds again.

Easy. Ha! Listen to me, talking about jogging being easy! I sound like an athlete. Pfft! Whatever!

For my stats, I jogged for 2:30, walked for 5 minutes. I went 2.165 miles, burned 273 calories, and it took me 50:00.

Speaking of sweating, I have been sweating a LOT lately, and I don't mean just when I'm jogging. I'll be at work, minding my own business, and then slowly I realize that I go from being the cool and crisp school teacher to the Sweat Monster from the Black Lagoon. I'm talking about a general, all-over sweat. This is especially odd because I am NOT a warm-natured person (my husband once realized, with great accurity, that I have goosebumps and profess to be cold if it's below 70 degrees ... this is a staggering level of pansiness on my part). This is also odd because I know cognitively that there has not been a swing in the temperature in the room, and that it should not be so hot in the room to merit sweatinig.

At first I thought, hey, it's summertime, and you live in the South, where the humidity and temperatures are both insufferable ... of COURSE you're hot. But it's beyond that. And it's all the friggin' time. I'm even sleeping hot.

After wondering if this is what it's like to go through The Change and have the dreaded Hot Flashes and Night Sweats (which does not make me look forward to 25 or so years from now when that'll happen), it occurred to me: is this because my metabolism is changing? Is all this jogging, diligently, every day, pushing my body to its personal limit and making it go even further the next day ... is my internal thermostat being cranked up because there are CALORIES being burned even at REST??

Or am I just crazy?

I've never gone through anything like this before. Is my guess right? Any other ideas?

Well, I'm glad to be back, and I'm excited to maybe hit 2:35 tomorrow. Yay for breaking through the wall!


  1. I think it can be many things going on. I do think it is because of your training. Your body is changing therefore everything else is: your soul, your mind, everything!

    Just wait and see what happens, if it keeps occuring then go see a doctor maybe your blood pressure is causing it.

    But no need for concern. *hugs*

    Keep at it!

  2. Well goodness knows I'm no jogger, but I'm placing my bet on the metabolism kicking into high gear. However, I do think it's a tiny bit peculiar that you break out into a sweat all over your body in a perfectly air-conditioned room. I'm with Maggie...see if stays the same for 3 or 4 days...if so, I might swing by the dr's ofc and tell him what's going on with your workout routine and see what he says. Always, always better safe than sorry. :)

  3. I wouldn't worry that much about it, but I guess I agree with the others; better safe than sorry! And, if nothing else, maybe Dr. Cantrell can tell you exactly what's happening so you don't have to wonder anymore. And then you can tell the rest of us!

    Last summer when I lost all my weight, I sweated all the time all over too. Like, I started taking a change of clothes on truck day because I knew I'd feel drenched and disgusting.

    Funny verification word of the day: rodybd. It sounds like a Strong Badism. Like, RODYB'D!!

  4. Girl, I sweat like a horse right now! I sweat in church, in the car even after it has cooled off, heck.. I was sweating while shoe shopping the other day!

    I was talking about it with a workout addict friend of mine and she said that yes, you go through a period where you sweat more, but once your body gets accustomed to it the sweating will go back to normal.

    I've never been so happy to "glisten" :)