Jogged for 2:30, Walked for 4

Well, I did it. I jogged for 2:30, and it was ROUGH. I think I've finally reached a point that I'm building muscle from my jogging, instead of just building endurance. I noticed today during the day that my quads felt sore, almost like a bruise or a slightly twinged muscle. I was trying to figure out what I did to 'em, and then when I started jogging tonight it became brutally obvious. My thighs were talking to me like I had done 50 squats last night! And by about the third round, my boutwa felt like I had sat on something hot, and it was burning!!

My friends, I've hit my first jogging "wall." Will I let it stop me? No. But I think it's leveled me. I'm gonna plateau for a few days at this speed, and let my body catch up. Won't do any good to keep adding on 5 seconds it just be too much.

My husband was cheering me on tonight (unprompted) because he saw that I was struggling. He was standing next to me on the treadmill yelling weird things at me, such as, "Lola's running away, you gotta chase after her and get her!" "You're stuck in a tunnel and here comes a van! You've got 20 seconds to outrun the van before we reach the end of the tunnel and can dodge one way or the other to avoid it!" "You've gotta catch the criminal! He's getting away! You don't want him to get away, do you??" It was actually quite hilarious. It distracted me from the burning, and I was mentally cracking up. Plus, it was really beneficial to know that he was there being so supportive.

It was actually his suggestion that I plateau, and seeing as how he's my biggest motivator (other than myself) to get stronger and increase my speed and my time, I'm listening to his advice, since he's looking from the outside-in. We'll just try it for a few days and see if it gets a little easier.

Well, for my stats, I jogged for 2:30, walked for 4 minutes. I went 1.933 miles, jogged 43 minutes, and burned 248 calories.

And as for now, I need to go do my push-ups and sit-ups and then hit the showers. (Yeah, I forgot to do them again...) Thanks for all your support, everyone! I love everyone's comments!! :)


  1. Your awesome is he??!! You had me laughing out loud at those comments. I bet it's just lovely to have someone right beside you showing you such support. Cherish it...not everyone's that blessed. :)

  2. Hahaha! Oh that Phil! :p I shared with Mah Jong, and we both had a good laugh. :)

    Keep it up, sistah!

    PS ~ Funny verification word for the day: billys. Like phyllis, except for boys, maybe? Hahaha!

  3. Thanks very much for the comment on my blog! :)

    Congrats on reaching 2:30!

    About the burning thighs, are you stretching before and after (especially after) your workouts? That might be a contributing factor to the burning.

  4. Tammy and Taffy -- thanks! My hubs is the best, and I thank God every day that I found someone who can make me laugh and make me feel special. :)

    FLG -- Hey, I love your blog! Thanks for visiting mine! I stretch extensively before I jog, but I don't stretch after. Guess I should start...? Why would stretching after the jog help?

    *sigh* So much I don't know!

  5. Fabulous Phil. What great comments. That would be PERFECT for exercising. Yall should make a tape of about a million of those and sell it. I would totally listen to that while exercising.

    I'm so happy for your first wall! Congrats! I know it's not fun, but what a great landmark!