Depression ...

So, I went to the doctor today, and stepped on that scale. I wasn't expecting much (pound loss? Pound gain?). But I certainly wasn't expecting what I saw.

Six pounds.


Oooohhhh noooooo. Why? I haven't been THAT bad! I still don't understand. My clothes don't even feel different; if anything, I think my jeans feel a little looser. WHY??

I didn't really want to get into all this now, but ...

See, I went to the doctor a month ago today because I knew things weren't right. She diagnosed me with anxiety-induced depression, and put me on medication. Today was the day to see if the meds were doing what they should. There is such shame to admitting you have been diagnosed with depression, like you can't handle things. Like you're fragile. Fact is, I try to be superwoman, and I get too much on my plate, and I beat myself up if I can't do everything perfect.

So I started running to do two things: to make me healthier and to lose weight, and to help me to overcome depression. Give me something to look forward to, to accomplish. I feel accomplished.

But six pounds? Really?? In a month??? *sigh*

I was stuck in meetings all day, and I've actually gotta wrap this up because my husband and I are going to go meet some friends tonight and play games. I need some cheering up. But that means no running today. I'm feeling pretty low, friends. Any good words?


  1. Did you ask the doc if maybe the medication your taking may cause weigh gain?

    I think you should keep doing what you're doing! Do not give up. We all have ups and downs trust me continue and you will succeed. Nothing that really matters or is important for us is easy. Everythings hard but we have to fight for it if we really want it and I know you really want this.

    I have faith in you, no doubt about and you shouldn't doubt yourself either. *hugs*

  2. *hug!* Hey, if your jeans are looser, then you aren't getting bigger!

    I could be a bunch of things. The meds could make you hold more water weight or it could be that you are building more muscle tone..

    Maybe there's a difference in the scales. (Even if it's the same one at your doc's office. Those are used many times a day and easily can get off balance).

  3. What they said. :) And the games were fun tonight, yeah? I'm ready for sleep though ... lol

  4. :(

    No shame at all in a depression diagnosis-- this is one of the more disturbing stereotypes of the medical community. If you stomach hurts, you go to the doctor. But if your heart/head/self hurts, please shut up and deal with it on your own? I don't think so. I can't do it, and I have yet to meet anyone who can.

    I can see that mile! :) Keep on going--the bad days are just there to make you remember what good ones look like. I'm proud of what you're doing!!!