Jogged for 1:35, Walked for 3

Well, another session down! I have now officially been jogging for an entire week; this is a huge accomplishment for me! Yay!

As for my stats: I jogged for 1:35, walked for 3 minutes. I went 2.113 miles, burned 268 calories, and it took me 48:00.

Today I haven't felt the greatest, and I was considering not jogging tonight because of it. My husband finally said after I commented to him that I really didn't want to jog that I would be glad that I did tomorrow. He was right; I was feeling good enough to do it -- I was just letting another excuse get in the way. I remembered my ole tennis days that I would play no matter how crappy I felt unless I had a fever and/or was throwing up. What happened to that stronger person that used to be me? I've gotta dig her out under this layer of fat, I think!

Well, it's getting late. Guess I need to hit the hay for the evening. Until tomorrow! :) Stay strong, all!


  1. Yay for your one week anniversary! I'm headed for another gym session in the morning! Whee for sweat! :)

  2. As one of my friends recently put it to me: "Even God took a day off." Once in a while, a day off is probably good for you. Or maybe an easy day where you jog for 1 minute again. It'll give your body a chance to rest up so that it can keep functioning at its prime level. It's really up to your personal discretion, though. I support you no matter what, and tell your hubby he's a good man.