Walked and Ran and Dieted

Well, I stuck to my diet today, as hard as it was. I got soooo hungry this afternoon, but I overcame ... just kept thinking about Thin Auburn.

So at 4:00 I started jogging on the treadmill, and due to some unusual circumstances, I got interrupted when I was about halfway done. I got dragged outside, and while I was out there, Lola was about ready to turn inside-out from high-strung energy. So, I decided that I would finish out by taking her for a long walk and jog.

Now, here is an old picture of my street, with our three possible walking routes highlighted:

The Red option is just walking on the pavement and back, which round-trip is about 1.2 miles. The Yellow path goes through the vegetable patch and along the corn patch. The Orange Path goes by another corn patch and through a cattle field. The Orange Path is probably my favorite, when the mosquitoes aren't bad.
Well, Lola was so high-strung, and I seriously needed to burn some calories, that we walked and jogged BOTH the Yellow and the Orange Path! We were both tired by the time we got back, but it felt really good.
There was more about the walk that I wanted to say ... about the actual routes themselves and such ... but I'm exhausted and I've gotta go grab a shower and Phil wants to get on the computer to work on his cattle records (he's a modern day cattle rancher ^^). So I'm gonna cut it short for tonight, but I love the support that y'all have given me, and I look forward to going through this amazing journey together, friends!


  1. Way to go! Just keep taking it one day at a time. I LOVE walking our dogs-- they are so enthusiastic! Dogs are so "in the moment" and fully inhabit their bodies and take joy in their bodies in a way that many of us never have (yet). They are our teachers and our friends.

  2. Whoo hoo! I'm jealous that you have so much beautiful variety to walk in. And I'm sure your pooch enjoys having a running buddy :D Keep up the good work - doesn't it feel great?!

  3. I just found your blog from your comment on another. I love it. I've read a couple of your posts from the archive list, especially drawn to the one titled "Self-Loathing". Only a fellow occasional self-loather would be attracted to that! I so appreciate your brutal honesty. Getting those thoughts down and out of your head helps so much. Very courageous. I'm going to read through more of your archive and follow you now. If you get a chance, check out my blog. Sounds like we have some similar issues! Take care - Leslie