Honest Scrap Awards
Hello, hello! I am proud to announce that I received my very first award here in blogland this weekend, and I am so proud! Tammy awarded me the Honest Scrap award (now displayed proudly in my sidebar). The Honest Scrap award is given for "honesty and sincerity in blogging," according to my google search. So, I am all the more honored!
The rules for receiving the Honest Scrap award is that I must share ten interesting things about myself that y'all might not otherwise know. So, I'm totally gonna cheat and share a list that someone asked me to write of 25 random things about myself from one of those Facebook notes of yore. Some of it y'all know and some of it you don't, so just sit back and enjoy either way:
1. I collect carosel horses and coins. Actually, Phil and I spend every New Year's Day rolling all the coins that we accumulated in the past year. It is sacriledge to spend change.
2. I love new markers, and am a marker junkie.
3. When I was little, I thought it was a law that you had to color in coloring books from the first page to the last, not skipping any until the previous one was colored. Because of this, I often never got to the picture that I wanted most to color.
4. Speaking of law, when I was in first grade, I visited the Mammoth Cave National Park (though I didn't go inside Mammoth Cave ... long story). Anyway, I picked a couple of really pretty purple flowers, and then I found out a couple of months later that it was illegal to pick flowers at Mammoth Cave. I was terrified of cops for years, just *sure* that they knew I picked those flowers. I would duck down in the car seat if I saw one on the road.
5. I was freakishly tall as a child. In my kindergarten class picture, I look like I flunked kindergarten multiple times because I was literally head-and-shoulders above all the other kids. Later, I was taller than my 4th grade teacher, even. I really didn't feel comfortable with my height until college, and especially after I started dating Phil. (I am 5'11", and he is 6'2") It's so nice having a husband who considers me to be short ... er.
6. I am quite clumsy, but I don't think I was always this way. Maybe I was.
7. In my opinion, the two most abominable foods in the world are pineapple and coconut. Couple this with the fact that I cannot swim and I burn horribly and have a monstrous appetite, I would make a poor candidate for the show Survivor.
8. I was born with red hair, and then it turned blonde and curly, and then when I was about 11 it turned brown and straight. Now some of the red is sneaking back in again.
9. As much as I hate to say it, I hate to clean. I just really wish I liked it.
10. I really only drink coffee, water, and milk. Out of these things, the one I drink the most is milk. The milk MUST be skim -- anything thicker is just gross!!
11. I never even got asked out until I was in college.
12. I didn't go to prom. I wish now that I could have the opportunity to have a prom-ish experience (we didn't do any dancing at our wedding), but I still would not have gone to my prom.
13. I love to teach, but I do not like being a teacher. I wish I could have class and none of the rest of the junk.
14. I hurt my lower back playing tennis in college. It has drastically changed my life. Some days I can hardly walk, and it's all I can do to put on my shoes.
15. When I was in 8th grade I had jaw surgery because I had a severe overbite, and my jaw bone was rubbing against my skull and they were both deteriorating. They broke my lower jaw on both sides and I have a metal plate and four screws at both breaks. I was told that only a handful of people in the world have the specifc type of plate and screws in their jaw that I have! I was also the youngest client my surgeon had ever had.
16. My genuine hope in life is to be remembered fondly by all who have known me. Because of this, I try to be as friendly and helpful as possible. I hope I've done a good job!!
17. I used to spend my summers living with my grandparents in Arkansas so that I would have access to art lessons with a fantasic artist named Lois Hulse. I consider her to be the best art teacher I ever had. I hope maybe one day I can teach classes like Lois had.
18. My favorite color is blue. When I play games with my students, I always let them take the game piece color that they want first, and I'll take whatever I think no one will want. When my sixth graders found this out, they now always leave me the blue piece, despite my protests. I think this is one of the sweetest gestures in the world.
19. My first car was named Vincent can Gogh. (tee-hee!) My car now is named Claude Monet ... because he cost me a lot of mo-ney.
20. I hate wearing hats of any capacity.
21. My ears are not pierced. I have a pretty impressive collection of clip-on earrings -- thank you, Claire's and Cato!!
22. Even though I am right-handed, I wear my watch on my right wrist. I found out a couple of weeks ago on America's Most Wanted that this is abnormal of a right-handed person. That made me feel really weird.
23. I am cold natured ... VERY cold natured.
24. I didn't want to get my driver's license when I was 16 because I do not like to drive. I am a very nervous driver. And my job calls for a *lot* of driving. Stress!!
25. I love to sing, and I'm told all the time at church and such that I'm pretty good, but I hate to perform.
Okay, now that that's over, I have to do the second part of my Scrapper duty -- pick 10 blogs to also receive the award! I have never done this before, and I am excited to announce that all the blogs that I read are nominees ... but sadly, for now, there can only be 10 winners. Drumroll, please... they are ... (in no particular order) ...
1. Sharon at The Incredible Shrinking Sharon
2. Tammy at From Fat to Fab
3. Amy at The Not So Secret Life of a Not So Super Together Mom
4. Jack at Jack Sh*t, Gettin' Fit
5. Jenn at Watch My Butt Shrink
6. Karen at *FITCETERA*
7. Zaa at Zaababy -- The Incredible Shrinking Woman
8. Meg at Operation "Sexy Meggy"
9. Shauna at Veggie Tales
10. Katie at The Skinny on Getting Skinny
All rightie! Winners, feel free to steal my pic to post on your blog, since I stole it from Tammy who gave it to me. :) And I look forward to your "ten things," as well!
Much love for all the support! :)
Posted in: Honest Scrap on Saturday, September 26, 2009 at at 7:44 PM
Thanks for the nod. Any award that has the word "crap" in it is right down my alley. ;)
You're cold natured? Surely not personality wise!
You mean you like winter, right? ;)
Thank YOU for this award ... Honest!
I already did the 10 things ... can I pass?
Karen -- of course! I don't want my award to add any stress to anyone. :)
And I HOPE I'm not cold-natured personality-wise! The nip in the air that winter brings is fun for about 3 days ... and then the rest of the season draggggggggs on.
Thank you sooooo much!!!! I love your list! I'm a new marker junkie as well. Any new office supplies turn me on, actually, lol!
I'm going to pay it forward on Tuesday...thanks again!!!!
I love your list!! Another tall girl!! I'm 5'10 and so is Amy H. from "No To the Deuce". :)
Awww hey thanks!! I'm a tall girl too...5-10 and still looking for my 6-2+ man ;) Also I believe very firmly that coloring books should be colored methodically from first page to last.
I loved reading your 10 (or 25) things about yourself! Thanks again for the award-sorry I'm posting comments a bit out of order here.......
Are you on FB then? Look me up if you are!:-)