Take a Virtual Walk with Jogging Auburn and Lola!

All right, I have been spot-on with my dieting the last couple of days, and I haven't been letting up. I have been VERY proud of myself. Today I hopped back up on that treadmill and ran for one minute, walked for three minutes, for a total of going a mile.

And then I heard the most pitiful barking outside. So I went to the window, and there was Lola staring right at me. "PLEEEEEASE take me for a walk!" her eyes begged. I was more than happy to oblige, and I decided to take my favorite "route" with her and to take pictures for you guys!

Now, please keep in mind that I am the world's worst picture-taker, so ... please be kind.
So here we are, standing right outside my driveway. Up ahead at the bend, we'll deviate from the pavement and go "off-roading," so to speak. :)
Here's the entrance to the gravel road we'll take...
The beginning to the middle of no-where ... this is where it starts getting interesting, friends...

Here is the barn, and the end of the gravel road. :)
I thought I'd let you take a peek of what is beyond the red barn ... just for appreciation of the view ... but we are not heading straight here. We are turning to the right...
(See! We're panning!) Just a little more to the right...
There we are! Straight ahead, forward march! (Well, not *exactly* forward march ... I just had to cheat the camera a bit to the side to avoid the sun blinding us all ... )

If you actually were walking here, this path actually snakes around a former corn patch that we cut down a couple of weeks ago to make into feed to give to our cows through the winter. I kind of miss walking next to those tall, haunting stalks.
Now turn at the corner...
Now go straight for as far as the eye can see! :)
Can't forget to check on our jogging partner! Lola was all wiggles. :)
All rightie, so we have reached the end of the corn patch, and we're getting ready to cross into the cattle pasture, which, unfortunately for you guys, does not have cows in it right now because we're letting the grass recover for winter.

So, go ahead! Crawl under the fence! YES, in the mud and everything! What? You don't want to? Pansy. Consider this a total workout. :)
Okay, so we crawled under the fence! Now that wasn't so bad, was it? Now we just walk along the fencerow, walk through the field, and we're home!
All right, we've walked along the fencerow, and here is the gate opening...
Through the gate...
Across the field...

... And we're HOME!
And Phil was happy to see both of us. Good ole Lola! She makes a good jogging partner for all of us!
Glad y'all could enjoy this walk with us. If you like it, I could do another trail, but I don't know how frustratingly graphic-heavy this was for y'all. :)

Walked and Ran and Dieted

Well, I stuck to my diet today, as hard as it was. I got soooo hungry this afternoon, but I overcame ... just kept thinking about Thin Auburn.

So at 4:00 I started jogging on the treadmill, and due to some unusual circumstances, I got interrupted when I was about halfway done. I got dragged outside, and while I was out there, Lola was about ready to turn inside-out from high-strung energy. So, I decided that I would finish out by taking her for a long walk and jog.

Now, here is an old picture of my street, with our three possible walking routes highlighted:

The Red option is just walking on the pavement and back, which round-trip is about 1.2 miles. The Yellow path goes through the vegetable patch and along the corn patch. The Orange Path goes by another corn patch and through a cattle field. The Orange Path is probably my favorite, when the mosquitoes aren't bad.
Well, Lola was so high-strung, and I seriously needed to burn some calories, that we walked and jogged BOTH the Yellow and the Orange Path! We were both tired by the time we got back, but it felt really good.
There was more about the walk that I wanted to say ... about the actual routes themselves and such ... but I'm exhausted and I've gotta go grab a shower and Phil wants to get on the computer to work on his cattle records (he's a modern day cattle rancher ^^). So I'm gonna cut it short for tonight, but I love the support that y'all have given me, and I look forward to going through this amazing journey together, friends!

New Dawn, New Day

Last night, I tossed and turned for hours, and I just couldn't fall asleep.

I just kept thinking of that look he gave me, and the way it made me feel.

We always eat lunch with my in-laws after church on Sunday afternoons. Normally this means eating out (and I have made heroic attempts to avoid this in the past, even bringing my own food, but my father-in-law, especially, is offended, and I have caved and just eat what everyone else eats, which only adds to the guilt spiral). Yesterday, however, we had "breakfast for lunch," which included bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, and cinnamon rolls. It was gooooood, but it was NOT healthy.

Everyone gathered up their plates of greasy goodness and ate in front of the TV, cheering on the local football team. I ate everything on my plate (which really wasn't that bad: 2 pieces of bacon, 1 piece of sausage, a couple of scoops of eggs, and 2 rolls), but I was still hungry. I sat there for about 15 minutes, hoping that the hunger would pass, but it didn't. So I went to go put my plate away, but there they were: an untouched pan of more cinnamon rolls. I stared at them. Well, we couldn't let them go to waste ... or get cold ... or whatever I told myself ... and I grabbed three and went back to my chair to eat them about as fast as I could.

When I sat down by my husband, he looked at my cinnamon rolls, and he looked me me so incredulously, and made a big show of it, looking at the plate, to me, then back to the plate. He proceeded to roll his eyes and shake his head. You could practically hear his thoughts, "You grabbed THAT much? You're gonna eat THAT much??" I never looked him in they eye ... I couldn't. I witnessed all of that out of the corner of my eye. And suddenly I had never needed that sweet, sticky food more in my entire life ... to keep myself from crying ... to keep the horrible thoughts at bay ... yes, I scarfed them down and almost got more. Meanwhile, my husband finished off all of the rest of the bacon and the sausage (which was far more than just a couple of pieces, let me assure you). The anger burned within me of his judgemental nature, when he has never been overweight -- or close to it -- for a day in his life. And I looked at the rest of the family in the room, who all ate as much as me if not more and they never exercise and they are all beanpoles. Phil's mother has even had doctors try to get weight ON her.

I felt sick at myself. Of myself.

And I know that I haven't been working hard enough to lose the weight.

So I laid there last night, remembering that moment when he looked at my plate, and I kept wallowing between despair and self-pity. Is social awkwardness worth this internal battle? What would be SO FRICKING BAD if I made my own dern lunch at times like this?

I remember Phil's grandmother, who told me about a year ago, "Well, you know, you're always gonna be big boned."

Grrr. No, I'm not! I will not be typecasted. I will fight this. I want my skinny self. I want my skinny clothes. I want my LIFE back.

I miss running with my increases of 5 seconds every time. I do. I miss it. It was easy to chart success. So what am I gonna do? I'm gonna start that again. From scratch. Yes, there is shame in starting from scratch, since I started this back in July and I have absolutely nothing to show for it. But it's a new dawn ... it's a new day ... and I'm getting nowhere NOT trying to do something about it.

I'm sorry if I've failed y'all ... I feel like starting over is failing myself ... but I've gotta try *something,* you know?

I did like the idea of cross-training, so I think I'm going to alternate every other day jogging and then something else (yoga, pilates, tennis, aerobic video, DDR, what-have-you). That'll keep it fresh, and improve my stamina in multiple ways instead of just one way.

I am also going to write down my food diary, not allowing myself to go to bed until I have at least written down everything I have eaten that day, and only allow Friday night to be my splurge meal. Friday night is date night. I look forward all week to Friday night. This means Sunday afternoon and Phil's family are just gonna have to get over it.

Somehow I knew that I would go through periods of success and failure once school started. The days are sporadic and my emotions are off the chart and exhaustion has begun to creep into my very bones. But this is important to me, and I know that I must make it routine in order for it to work for me. And, I figure as long as I still care, then I am not lost. As my mother once told me, "It's once you stop caring that you get in trouble."

So, I have a jogging date. This afternoon at 4:00. This is Jogging Time. Today is a new day. Yesterday's "sin"amon rolls are in the past, as well as the hurtful look. If I keep at it, this Auburn will be in the past one day, too.

I'm doing it for myself, because I think Future Auburn is worth it.

Honest Scrap Awards

Hello, hello! I am proud to announce that I received my very first award here in blogland this weekend, and I am so proud! Tammy awarded me the Honest Scrap award (now displayed proudly in my sidebar). The Honest Scrap award is given for "honesty and sincerity in blogging," according to my google search. So, I am all the more honored!

The rules for receiving the Honest Scrap award is that I must share ten interesting things about myself that y'all might not otherwise know. So, I'm totally gonna cheat and share a list that someone asked me to write of 25 random things about myself from one of those Facebook notes of yore. Some of it y'all know and some of it you don't, so just sit back and enjoy either way:

1. I collect carosel horses and coins. Actually, Phil and I spend every New Year's Day rolling all the coins that we accumulated in the past year. It is sacriledge to spend change.

2. I love new markers, and am a marker junkie.

3. When I was little, I thought it was a law that you had to color in coloring books from the first page to the last, not skipping any until the previous one was colored. Because of this, I often never got to the picture that I wanted most to color.

4. Speaking of law, when I was in first grade, I visited the Mammoth Cave National Park (though I didn't go inside Mammoth Cave ... long story). Anyway, I picked a couple of really pretty purple flowers, and then I found out a couple of months later that it was illegal to pick flowers at Mammoth Cave. I was terrified of cops for years, just *sure* that they knew I picked those flowers. I would duck down in the car seat if I saw one on the road.

5. I was freakishly tall as a child. In my kindergarten class picture, I look like I flunked kindergarten multiple times because I was literally head-and-shoulders above all the other kids. Later, I was taller than my 4th grade teacher, even. I really didn't feel comfortable with my height until college, and especially after I started dating Phil. (I am 5'11", and he is 6'2") It's so nice having a husband who considers me to be short ... er.

6. I am quite clumsy, but I don't think I was always this way. Maybe I was.

7. In my opinion, the two most abominable foods in the world are pineapple and coconut. Couple this with the fact that I cannot swim and I burn horribly and have a monstrous appetite, I would make a poor candidate for the show Survivor.

8. I was born with red hair, and then it turned blonde and curly, and then when I was about 11 it turned brown and straight. Now some of the red is sneaking back in again.

9. As much as I hate to say it, I hate to clean. I just really wish I liked it.

10. I really only drink coffee, water, and milk. Out of these things, the one I drink the most is milk. The milk MUST be skim -- anything thicker is just gross!!

11. I never even got asked out until I was in college.

12. I didn't go to prom. I wish now that I could have the opportunity to have a prom-ish experience (we didn't do any dancing at our wedding), but I still would not have gone to my prom.

13. I love to teach, but I do not like being a teacher. I wish I could have class and none of the rest of the junk.

14. I hurt my lower back playing tennis in college. It has drastically changed my life. Some days I can hardly walk, and it's all I can do to put on my shoes.

15. When I was in 8th grade I had jaw surgery because I had a severe overbite, and my jaw bone was rubbing against my skull and they were both deteriorating. They broke my lower jaw on both sides and I have a metal plate and four screws at both breaks. I was told that only a handful of people in the world have the specifc type of plate and screws in their jaw that I have! I was also the youngest client my surgeon had ever had.

16. My genuine hope in life is to be remembered fondly by all who have known me. Because of this, I try to be as friendly and helpful as possible. I hope I've done a good job!!

17. I used to spend my summers living with my grandparents in Arkansas so that I would have access to art lessons with a fantasic artist named Lois Hulse. I consider her to be the best art teacher I ever had. I hope maybe one day I can teach classes like Lois had.

18. My favorite color is blue. When I play games with my students, I always let them take the game piece color that they want first, and I'll take whatever I think no one will want. When my sixth graders found this out, they now always leave me the blue piece, despite my protests. I think this is one of the sweetest gestures in the world.

19. My first car was named Vincent can Gogh. (tee-hee!) My car now is named Claude Monet ... because he cost me a lot of mo-ney.

20. I hate wearing hats of any capacity.

21. My ears are not pierced. I have a pretty impressive collection of clip-on earrings -- thank you, Claire's and Cato!!

22. Even though I am right-handed, I wear my watch on my right wrist. I found out a couple of weeks ago on America's Most Wanted that this is abnormal of a right-handed person. That made me feel really weird.

23. I am cold natured ... VERY cold natured.

24. I didn't want to get my driver's license when I was 16 because I do not like to drive. I am a very nervous driver. And my job calls for a *lot* of driving. Stress!!

25. I love to sing, and I'm told all the time at church and such that I'm pretty good, but I hate to perform.

Okay, now that that's over, I have to do the second part of my Scrapper duty -- pick 10 blogs to also receive the award! I have never done this before, and I am excited to announce that all the blogs that I read are nominees ... but sadly, for now, there can only be 10 winners. Drumroll, please... they are ... (in no particular order) ...

1. Sharon at The Incredible Shrinking Sharon

2. Tammy at From Fat to Fab

3. Amy at The Not So Secret Life of a Not So Super Together Mom

4. Jack at Jack Sh*t, Gettin' Fit

5. Jenn at Watch My Butt Shrink

6. Karen at *FITCETERA*

7. Zaa at Zaababy -- The Incredible Shrinking Woman

8. Meg at Operation "Sexy Meggy"

9. Shauna at Veggie Tales

10. Katie at The Skinny on Getting Skinny

All rightie! Winners, feel free to steal my pic to post on your blog, since I stole it from Tammy who gave it to me. :) And I look forward to your "ten things," as well!

Much love for all the support! :)

Distractions ... ?

I feel curiously optimistic about the next couple of days, even though they are going to be non-rountine:

~ I am actually "packing" (while blogging? *cough*) to go to a trip to a statewide gifted education conference. I will have to eat out and/or eat what is provided at the conference, but last year the food was very fancy ... and with tiny portions. And last year I also worked out at the conference, and I felt very proud of myself. I'd like to do that again this year. No temptation to snack. Feelin' pretty good about this.

~ Friday night Phil and I are gonna camp at our house site. There's nothing quite like waking up there. It's home. :)

~ Saturday morning we're going to see our HOUSE PLANS as drawn up by the architect based on what we want!! I am so excited, I could just about turn inside-out!!!

On the downside, I am nervous about seeing some of the people at the gifted ed. conference this year. I made a few friends last year, and I'm sure that they will notice that I weigh almost 50 pounds more than the last time they saw me. I feel shame and humiliation about that. I know that they won't say anything to my face, but I also know that they can't help but think something, perhaps say something to others. It's embarrassing. But, I keep telling myself that even though we are just a little more than acquaintances, if they are truly my friends then they won't really hold this against me. I *am* working on it.
I have also been distracted because there has been something tugging on my heartstrings ever since our cattle sale a couple of weeks ago. There was a pitiful little pony that was at the stockyards. Her mane and tail are all matted with burrs, and she is just in a pen that is full of weeds. I can't get her out of my mind. It's fairly obvious that no one wants her. I've been going over to visit her during my exercise time and giving her apples. She is very shy, but she is starting to warm up to me. She never wants me to go, even though when I'm there she acts like she doesn't really know what to do about me. I think she could be a real pet, and it's been a lifelong dream of mine to have a horse (or a pony, as the case may be). I've named her Esther, because if I get her, she'll have to endure 6 months of beauty treatments. Phil has promised to look into it, but I don't think he understands why I want to have her. It's hard for me to explain myself. I just know that, somehow, we need each other.

Here she is. What do you think? Isn't she doggone pitiful??

Change of State of Mind, and Yoga!

My knee-jerk reaction is to apologize for my post yesterday. It was not pleasant to write, nor, I am sure, was it pleasant to read. But I knew I had to do it. It was the thoughts that I had been hiding from everyone except myself, and I just had to ... well ... as I said ... vomit them out. And ... well, have you ever had a time when you *did* upchuck after fighting it so long, and after you did you felt worlds better? That's how I felt yesterday. I got all those sick thoughts out of me by ralphing all over my blog. And I *am* sorry for doing it, but just as I can be sick to my stomach, depression is a sickness too, and I'm doing my best to get well.

After I wrote that blog I felt a lot better, like I didn't have to keep thinking those thoughts because they were now written down ... almost like I had been afraid I would forget them. And I felt better than I had in days. It was like I had mentally fell down, and now I could officially pick myself back up and dust myself off and reassess where I am. And, you know, something else occurred to me, too.

I was wondering about why I feel like my life has gone wrong. It occurred to me that I have felt a loss of control in my life ever since about 6 months after Phil and I got married. Don't get me wrong -- I love Phil and my marriage is wonderful. It was just about 6 months after I got married that I realized that I wasn't going to be able to get money as an artist, and I had to get more creative with my life in order to get a paycheck. That made me feel uneasy, unsteady, and unreliable. Sometimes I had a good job, and sometimes I didn't (that's the way the subbing world goes). But even after I got my job, I knew instantly that this isn't what I want to do with my life, but in order to get the money I was shunted down this path. Loss of control.

I also realized that I feel a loss of control because we have not made steps toward getting our house built. As a starter home, we got a trailer for a great deal ($3000 -- priced to move!!), which sure beat the socks off of an apartment. And again, don't get me wrong, because in many ways living in this trailer has been sweet and endearing ... But I hate this stinkin' trailer, and I hate the stigma of living in a trailer, and I'm ready to live in my HOUSE instead of this glorified hand-me-down cardboard box. My husband has been less than motivated to get to work on the house, and anxiety has created a chokehold on me. I don't nag -- that's just not me. So I've waited. Loss of control.

As a quiet rebellion, though, I let my home get into a sad state of disarray. Well, actually, that's not true. It's gotten into a state of disarray for several reasons:
1) a quiet rebellion
2) Phil is extremely particular about his personal things and he gripes and mopes (sometimes for days) if I clean up after him, claiming he can't find anything. Over time, I gave up, and we had, as they call, a Mexican Standoff about the tidiness of the house
3) I'm tired when I get home from work and sometimes it's all I can do to make supper, let alone clean afterwards
4) The weekends are out because Phil wants me to come to the farm with him on Saturdays instead of clean (which I love coming to the farm, but it just wears me out, too), and cleaning on Sundays is out because we live too far away from our church to attend both services AND come home inbetween.
5) Even if I DO clean, it's still a nasty, moldy, falling-apart trailer from the late 1970's, and no amount of cleaning will ever make it feel *clean.*
5) Possibly the most important of all ... I hate cleaning, especially anything bathroom and/or sink related. Makes me gag. Ugh! I don't even like THINKING about it!!!
So, the long and short of it is that the house is an absolute pigsty, and Phil and I have argued more about the state of the house than ANYTHING else in our marriage. But when I walk into the house and there is stuff everywhere and not enough room to put it in because we are crammed into this little box, holding on to stuff that is supposed to fit inside our HOUSE that I don't even know where to begin. Loss of control.

Loss of control. Loss of control. Loss of control.

But eating?

I can dominate food. Easily.

I have made food my bitch in order to be in control of something.

If I haven't been happy, and I feel like I don't have a grip on anything, I can ravage the cupboard and show it who's boss. Nothing can hide from me. Nothing is safe from me. I can easily manipulate it to make it something that appeals to me. I can combine several ingrediants to create something that is delectably phenomenal. I can bend it to my will.

This was quite eye-opening for me.

And then I realized that even though I have used food to try to be in control of something, I have instead ended up out of control with yet another thing. Sad.

Well, after this epiphany, everything started coming up Auburn. Phil actually called me and told me to set up an appointment with the log home company, that he wanted to swing by tomorrow (which is today!!!) and show them our tentative plans ... and that maybe over my fall break we can look into home loans, and possibly break ground at the beginning of next year!!!!!!!!! It was answered prayer!!!!!!! Actually, as I'm typing this, he is probably there right now, and I CANNOT WAIT to know what happened!!!!!!!!

Then, I went to the grocery store and got the shopping done for the week (which, typically, in and of itself is a pretty big accomplishment for me), and I bought a Swiffer mop while I was there. Mops with buckets remind me too much of bathroom cleaning nastiness, so I have mopped maybe five times since we've lived here, I am ashamed to say. Well, I got the mop, and as soon as I got home, I mopped the floor. I felt so proud of myself! It felt so good to be clean. And then I did a load of laundry and completely cleaned up the kitchen and was so proud I was about fit to burst. I felt a satisfying feeling of control ... and I was actually BURNING calories!!

And to top it off, one of my co-workers loaned me a couple of exercise videos on Yoga, and I tried one of them out last night (featuring Bob from The Biggest Loser). It kicked my butt -- I wasn't expecting it to be as hard as it was -- but I felt so GOOD and RELAXED afterwards! I felt calm and in control. My house was clean(er), I had exercised, I had stayed within my fat grams for the day, and Phil had an appointment to get the ball rolling on our HOUSE!

And let me just say that y'all's comments yesterday were so sweet. I think I also felt calm because, even though I succumbed to the feelings and let it all out there, you guys stuck by me and still accepted me. That was very comforting, too. I have the best readers. :) You guys mean the world to me.

And as for now, I've gotta be running to my next class. I'll let you know about house developments!!!!!!


**WARNING: The following may make the score: Auburn, 1, Depression, 1. But I've gotta get this out of my system**

The past couple of weeks have been weeks of self-loathing. As much as I have tried to fight these thoughts, they keep swirling in my head, and I've just got to vomit them up here, like poison. I just can't hold it in any longer.

I think I sometimes hate the person I have become. I had dreams ... and goals ... and my whole life was mapped out in front of me. It was so easy; it was only a matter of getting there. I'm not sure where things went wrong ... I only know that they have. And I beat myself up for it.

I hate the girl that I see in the mirror. I used to love to have pictures taken of me. I used to love to go clothes shopping. Now I wear clothes that fit and don't even care if they match. I cannot wait for the winter to come so that I may wear thick ridiculous clothes and hide myself. I want to disappear. I want to hide so that no one will see me.

If I was to turn into an animal today, I think I would be a mouse. Too timid, too shy to take charge of my own life. Abhorred by everyone, I scurry around in a mad dash of pseudo-productivity. I steal any dirty little tasty tidbit I can come across and hide in dark shadows, munching alone. My sole purpose in life is apparently to pack on the pounds and to hide from everyone, including myself.

I want to lose weight, and I've been trying to lose weight, but something is wrong. It's not coming off. I have let that voice inside of me tell me that I'm doomed, that I can't fix this. I've been trapped into too many social obligations where I must eat fattening food, and as I wolf it down as fast as I can so that it's over, I hear a husky whisper inside my head chortling, "Go on, you fat pig. Keep it up. It's what you deserve."






And I eat. And I eat. And I eat. Trying to fill that hole in my heart. That hole eaten away by cancerous thoughts.

I find myself recoiling from success stories, angry and bitter ... at myself, I guess. I want to work hard and lose 4 pounds in a week, too! I want to work hard all week and then blow it for an afternoon and still lose 2 pounds, too! I want to be like my sister-in-law whom I sat next to in church yesterday, who looks so healthy and beautiful in an effortless manner -- I think the diameter of both of her thighs maybe equaled the diameter of one of mine. I hated myself for it. I want to succeed! I'm so ANGRY at myself for not succeeding! But I don't know what to do!

I feel so pitifully alone and like the fattest person I know. I don't want to go anywhere. I don't want to see anyone. I don't want to live life. I feel trapped.

I have a memory that has floated to the top of my mind for the last several days. There was a cow that Phil and I used to have named Smut. Smut accidentally fell in a ditch and her head was downhill (meaning that all the blood rushed to her head); she couldn't get up by herself and was stuck for a couple of days before we found her. Even though she was still alive, she had already started to bloat up, like dead animals will do. After my husband and I dragged her out into the field, Phil grabbed all of our needles out of the truck (that we use to administer shots to the cows) and stuck the needle-ends into her side. Then, he and I pushed all of the air out of her stomach, slowly and meticulously, through the needles. The smell was awful (for, she had literally been rotting inside while she was still alive), but she almost reduced her size by half. I wish it was that easy, that someone would stick a whole bunch of needles in me and push out all of my extra weight. (Incidentally, two days later, Smut was still alive, but she was seizuring on the ground and in tremendous pain, having never been able to get back up, and she was the first cow Phil ever had to put down.) Sometimes I feel as sick as Smut was, and yet, just like Smut, I've done it to myself.





I can't give up. I won't give up. But when will it end? How do I fix this? If I could just see a loss, I wouldn't feel such hopelessness. I must be patient and give it time. I must adhere to my food diary.

I seriously need help.

Please help me.

Speed-walked for 30 minutes with Pickups

Hello, all! I'm still here! I have been uber-busy ... trying not to let the stress get to me! Sometimes, when you're so busy, you have to let things slide, and I have let my blog slide. But here I am, and thank goodness it's Friday! Am I right?!?

Okay, several updates:

~ Last night I speed-walked for 30 minutes with intermitant pickups. This means that I go from walking at a pace that is challenging but I can still talk to a pace that is really pushing it for minute bursts. I didn't think that this would be too bad, but dang yo! I am sore in my boutwa and in the backs of my thighs today!! Must've been doing more than I thought! As for my stats, it took me 40:00 (with a 5 minute warm-up and a 5 minute cool-down), I went 1.874 miles, and I burned 234 calories.

~ Last night we also came out of the Dark Ages here at our house and upgraded to High Speed Internet. I am so flippin' excited! I immediately watched a video on YouTube because I stinkin' COULD. Fair thee well, Dial-up. :)

~ Tonight, Phil and I are going to the State Fair. There have been reports on the news that this may be the last State Fair we will ever have; attendance has been declining over the past several years and they will probably sell the fairgrounds after this year. So we're gonna go experience it and say goodbye, I guess. We've never been to the Fair together before, so it's a whole new type of date for us. Mostly we're going to see the animal exhibits ... neither of us do carnival rides.

Umm ... I feel like there's more, but I guess that's it for now. Phil and I bought a heifer at last week's auction, and I named her Pretty Lady, as in "Hey, Pretty Lady won'tcha gimme a sign / I'd give anything to make you mine o' mine." (Brownie Points to you if you can Name That Tune!)

All right, if I think of anything more, I'll add it. Thanks, friends! :)

The moment I realized I was a redneck:

When I realized that I was truly worried about the calorie and fat gram content in dove meat, since it is what I'm having for supper.

Wonder if getting one with shot still in it adds any extra calories ... ?

Speed-walked for 30 minutes

Okay, as Sharon would say, here are my wins and fails:

Bad news first: fails ... my eating has totally been out of control. I have been fighting the anxiety and fear with the decisions that must be made about school. I am thinking about transferring schools, and I dread all the extra work, and I worry about the money, and I don't want to get a degree in something that I don't want to do, but if I don't go back to school, then I can't keep my job ... *pant pant pant* And I caved and ate something bad. And then I was like, well, I've already blown it today, what about eating *this* thing ... and then I eat more and more. And then the next day came, and it was like, well, I screwed myself over yesterday, it's still the weekend, so what did I do? Screwed myself over again is what I did. Yes. Weakness sucks. Now it's getting back on the wagon.

(Oh, there were so many cheeseburgers and barbeque to be had.... *shudders*)

But, I paid for my sins, because last night I got an acute case of food poisoning, and was ill today. I repented many times over. And Amy suggested that I read a book called Running for Mortals, and since I lost all of my running stamina when I got my sinus infection, I decided to take their running program to heart.

Wins: Even though I wasn't the best today, I still went to work, and even had my first IEP meeting that needed an interpreter. Interesting! And I did my exercising tonight. I speed-walked (or is it sped-walked?) for thirty minutes, and walked for five minutes at a slower pace afterwards. I stretched for about 10 minutes after that. Felt pretty good.

I want that mile, but I've gotta do it the slow, smart way.

Beef and Barbeque

So my husband's side of the family is having a cattle sale to thin down the numbers of our herd ... and to, let's face it, bring in some cash. We have registered Hereford (pronounced "Her-ferd," at least 'round these parts) cattle, and they look like this:

(This bull's name was Mo. This is actually a photo that I took last summer while standing on my back deck. Are there any further questions about whether or not I live in the country???)

Anyway, it is amazing to me that whenever we go to a cattle auction, there are two choices of food: hamburgers, which are beef but called ham, and barbeque, which is pork but passes for beef. Neither of which are good when I'm trying to diet. I think I am doomed for tomorrow. But maybe our cattle will sell well! Here's to hoping. :)

Jogged for 1:30, Walked for 3

Thank you, friends, for your kind words. I do not know if I am *cough* "gorgeous," but I do think of that picture as haunting. That girl is like a ghost ... but ... well ....

I have several things that I want to say tonight, several thoughts swirling through my head, but you know ... I won't. For two reasons:

1) Straight-up confession: I realized that I haven't been taking my anti-depression medication since Saturday night, and I don't think that my thoughts are fair. But I got the prescription refilled, give it a couple of days to kick back in and to regroup my thoughts, and then if I still feel this way, then I'll share.

2) This place is my Mental Safe Zone, and something inside me is just fighting against these thoughts. Something is telling me not to share. Tonight is not the time to be negative. Instead, I'm gonna think of something positive, because I really think it's more of what I need tonight.

So ... hmmm ... something good ....

Well, I was really good on my diet today. I only ate about 25 fat grams (I've written down all of my food and have a rough approximation, but I haven't made the final tally yet), and I jogged tonight for 1:30, and walked for 3. I went 2.098 miles, burned 348 calories, and it took me 48:00.

A really good thought ...

My students have been so awesome these past few days. I just love my kids. I don't guess I told you guys, but last Tuesday when I was so sick and I called in a sick day, I had to cancel a couple of my classes. The principal accidentally forgot to announce that the class was cancelled at one of my schools, and several of my students showed up for class. Well, 10 minutes into class and I still wasn't there, so one of my students called me at home to see if I was coming. This student, named Austin, is a senior in high school and kind of a hell-raiser, but he connects to me for some reason. He would be the kind of kid that would typically be THRILLED if his teacher didn't come to class. But there he was, on the phone, sounding all pitiful, and just said, "Are you coming to class today?" And I was like, "Oh, no, Austin, didn't the principal make the announcement?" And he responded with, "No. Why do you sound like a dude? You sick?" And I laughed and said, "Yeah, I've got a sinus infection. Can't come in today." And he said, "Okay. We were asked by the guidance counselor to help out with something, so we can do that to stay outta class" (see, what'd I tell ya? Hellraiser.) "but I hope you get to feeling better soon."

After I hung up, I realized how extraordinary that phonecall was. How many students call their teachers WANTING them to come to class? I tell you what, I've truly got the best students in the world.

And with that thought, and a smile on my face, I'm gonna call it a night, and go get my shower, and go to sleep.

Of Jogging, Dieting, and the Picture that Kept Me Going

Short post. Feeling tired.

I was on track with my diet again today, and I just finished my jog. My stats were almost exactly the same as last night.

I was on the treadmill, and I just wasn't feeling it tonight. I just wanted to sit down and not think. And, for a second, I did. And then a picture floated into my head that made me get back up.

It was a photo of me my senior year of high school. In my mind, I think I still look like that girl. Sometimes I'm even shocked when I look in the mirror and she's not there, there's just this imposter who isn't as pretty. But if I worked hard at it, I could look like her again. I mean, heck, that wasn't even ten years ago! So I got my body back up on its feet, every single pound of what felt like lead, and finished the jog. I just kept thinking of her. I want to be her again.

To Auburn:
This is Her. And it could be You.
Don't give up on Her.

Jogged for 1, Walked for 2

Back to jogging once again! I feel like crap, but I got it done. So much mucus! I'm just sick of being sick ... rebelling!! It was tiring, but it felt good to be moving again.

And the diet was on-track today, and that felt good, too. I bought a journal today to write down what I'm eating and to tally it all up. I have learned something about myself in the past couple of years: if I don't make it pretty, then I don't do it. (Perhaps it's the artist in me screaming to express itself!) You guys should see my lesson plan book; it's a freakin' work of art! :D The other teachers make fun of me, but I just know that if I didn't have a whole bunch of markers and pretty gel pens in order to jazz up the mundane, I find that I won't do it at all. So I had to get a new journal at the store today to excite myself about keeping up my food journal again. It has a kitty on the cover with its head tilted to the side, and I wrote a speech bubble beside its head that says, "Wow! You've lost HOW much?!?" (Yeah. I'm a nerd.) I've already made the first entry pretty; makes me proud ... especially the big blue letters at the bottom of the page that say "GOAL COMPLETED"!

For my stats, I jogged for 1 minute, walked for 2. I burned 343 calores, went 2.064 calories, and it took me 47:00. I also ate 27.5 fat grams today, and 1606 calories. Not bad, my friends!

The future scares me, but I'm trying not to let it *scare* me. Having a little control over the situation feels good. I can control my destiny.

That feels good to say. :)

Hittin' the Road and the Diet Plan

Okay. Enough is enough. The diet is back on.

Back before I got this very stressful job, I was on a diet. I lost almost 50 pounds in six months. I was very proud of myself. I felt like I could accomplish anything if I set my mind to it.

Then I got this job and suddenly I had no time to do anything. I was working AND going to school, and I was literally going crazy. I sobbed in my sleep. I became very erratic. I had so many things being demanded of me, it was just too hard to keep writing down what I ate. Often, I was eating and doing something else. Never a good sign.

But, I thought I was invincible. I had lost almost 50 pounds. I wouldn't go back. I had been strong, my body had changed. I was naive.

So, over time, I loosened up on my eating. I gave myself reward treats to make myself feel better for all the work I was doing. I had a pit of anxiety in my stomach that I found was temporarily relieved if I was eating. I was hardly sleeping at night, trying to get everything done, and waking up before 5 to go to work the next day, and I also found that eating helped to keep me awake. Eventually, it wasn't so much what I could eat that was HEALTHY, it was what I could eat that was FAST. Sometimes I fell asleep immediately after eating supper ... yes, at 6:30 or 7:00 at night, only to be waken up by my husband so that I could go finish my homework.

All very bad signs, my friends.

Needless to say, here I am again at the weight before I even started, with a few extra pounds to boot, and I feel that despair creeping in again.

I am fearful because I know that anytime soon I need to call up my college and start school again, or else I won't be able to be hired again for next year (I have to show proof that I have taken college courses every school year in order to renew my temporary teaching license). I am handling the stress okay for now, but when that starts ... what then? I feel pre-emptive despair, and I can't let that happen. I will be jogging but if I don't change, I will also be eating enough for two or three people, and jogging just can't negate that.

And, after wallowing around for a week eating junk and not exercising ... I just *feel* fat. I feel weak. I feel ... inadequate. I hate feeling like that.

So, time to nip it in the bud. I'm keeping a food diary again. Gonna eat 30 fat grams or less per day. Gonna stick to it. Gonna start jogging again, now that I can finally breathe (though still not 100%).

Today it begins.

Sometimes it is not necessarily the changing that is important, but it is the courage it takes to begin the change.

I can't let it beat me. I must strike first.

Perhaps today is not Labor Day at all, but rather Independence Day.

So yesterday ...

... I ate a whole pan of muffins because they were the only thing to keep my stomach from lurching from all of the infected mucus I had inadvertantly swallowed.

... I played video games until I got dizzy, literally, and then I'd go to bed, and I'd sleep until I got too ansty, and then I'd go play video games. Lather, rinse, repeat. I felt like such a mooching-bum teenager ... and it was even a game I've played before. Yeah. I'm a loser.

... I gave myself a french manicure, and it looked beautiful, until I sneezed and smudged a couple of my fingernails before they were almost dry.

... the weather was PERFECT outside and I got such cabin fever that I took a lawn chair out into Lola's pen and I threw a tennis ball to her. She has seriously improved on her fetching skills! But I was only able to last for about 20 minutes until I was exhausted and feverish again.

Plus side? (Um .... or .... rather .... "Positive" side *ahem*):

... Today I am feeling much better and I went back to work, and even worked overtime. (Even though I'm now beat!!) Thank goodness for Z-pack antibiotics!!

... I was so proud of my Lil' Lola, because she used to be very fearful of harsh voices, even if they were saying nice things, and a year ago she would've cowered at my cold-in-the-chest-induced-man-voice. However, she didn't even flinch, and she would fetch the ball and come lay her head in my lap for pettin's after every retrieval. It was like she knew I was doing the best I could and she was just happy to aim to please.

... I stepped on the scale today, and peeked through my fingers, fearful of all the bad food I have eaten over the past few days just to keep the room from spinning ... and it said I lost three pounds! It may be wrong, and it may be right, but at least, if it was fibbing, it was fibbing the *right* way!! At least it was a little of an ego boost. :)

Soon I feel like I will be good enough to get back on that treadmill tomorrow, even if it's just a gentle walk. But I thought I'd update y'all and let you know that I'm still here. I have ALSO been reading up on y'all's blogs, and let me just say that I have become associated with a fine, inspiring group of people!! I feel like I'm so far behind you guys, but I will catch up!! And I feel so honored that you check in with me and are cheering for me! Take heart, friends! The Quest may be on hiatus, but it won't be long now until the Journey is underway again!!

Thanks, everybody. Your comments mean so much to me!!! :)