
Something weird happened to me last night. I have no explanation for it. It kind of scared me. But then again, I'm not that worried about it. Funny how you can feel both at the same time...

Well, I decided to try out the Deck of Cards workout. If you are not familiar with this workout, it goes like this: assign each suit an exercise task (last night I had hearts = jumping jacks, diamonds = squats, spades = sit-ups and clubs = push-ups), and shuffle the deck, placing it facedown. Whatever number is on the card is the number of reps you must do of that activity. (Incidentally, I made Aces a one-minute rest, and Jokers were a one-minute wall-sit).

Well, I wasn't feeling spot-on when I was getting ready to do this workout, but I thought, "No, you've just been sitting around all day, you need to get your butt in gear and burn some calories."

After I started working out, I had periods where I felt okay, and then periods where I got a little dizzy ... and then I started having what I could only describe as mini-blackouts. The entire "blackout" lasted for about a second: it started with a ringing in the ears, and it felt like the insides of my head dropped, and I lost vision for a fraction of a second, and then it was gone and I felt fine. (Remember, all that happened in a second's time.) It was so fast, I could be in the middle of my reps, and I didn't even have to stop. Part of me was thinking, "Hey, maybe you *should* stop," but other than those "pauses" I felt fine.

After the workout was over, those "blackouts" kept happening: when I was sitting down, when I was in the shower, when I was laying down. I didn't know what to do to make it stop. Phil got me a big glass of gatorade and I downed the whole thing -- didn't even know I was thirsty! -- and after that, they stopped. So, for now, I'm going with the theory that I was either dehydrated or my electrolytes were imbalanced, or both.

So, lesson of the day: Always Drink Your Water, Kids.

Today's lesson was brought to you by the letters H and O, and the number 2.

And as for now, I've gotta run. So many errands! But I hope y'all are taking care of yourselves, and drinking your water!!


  1. That is crazy! I love to hear that your message was brought to me by
    H2O. Thanks for the lesson :-)

  2. When I was younger I used to faint dead away completely at random. Sometimes it was preceeded with a ringing in the ears as you had, along with sweating, etc. I'd go down like a ton of bricks and be completely out for a few minutes.

    I went to every kind of specialist under the sun and had mega tests but an explanation was never found. They stopped happening eventually. Hope this doesn't happen to you again. I hope it truly only was needing to hydrate! Have a great day!

  3. Yikes, Auburn! Take good care of yourself!

    That sounds like a crazy fun way to plan a work-out, though :D

  4. As soon as I started reading, I said "dehydrated"....I've read it on several other people's blogs...of course, if it happens again and you KNOW you're well hydrated....get your little butt to the doctor...peace of mind is a wonderful thing. :)

  5. H JA,

    I'm beind on my blog reading so am just getting to this. Like Tammy, I thought dehydration or possibly a lowish blood sugar. Having the symptom stop after gatorade is almost diagnostic. But do touch base with your doc if it happens again.

    Also, thank you so mucdh for the verses from Corinthians you gave me in your last comment. That was great to keep in my mind..."stand up under it.." I'll remember that for sure. Take care and drink your water!